Call for Papers
Abstract submission is now closed!
The theme leaders will review all submitted abstracts and select conference papers based on the quality of the abstract.
Abstracts are categorized according to four sub-themes depending on topic.
The NSM2022 sub-themes refer to steps in the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM), while one refers directly to the main theme.
Design and Build: Do you have identified users need? Did you have to respond to a new user need recently? How do you deal with non-response? What is the best way to collect data?
Process and Analyze: Is there a gold standard for data imputation? Did implementing machine learning in your process make your life easier? How do you maintain your data warehouse? How do you protect your data for disclosure? Did you use some new (or old) administrative data to validate your process?
Disseminate: How are you doing in supporting user’s statistical literacy? Do you partake in an active dialogue with users? How do you incorporate user feedback into your communication? Are you using infographics or interactive publications to communicate information on your society? What is your user demography? Has it changed?
Facts on the Fly. In this sub-theme we would like to call for papers on the challenges facing official statistics in fast changing social context. It is our hope that in the sessions for this sub-theme we can taka a critical view on official statistics while having a productive conversation on how to move forward and improve the field.
This sub-theme contains three pre-organized sessions, and one open session:
Death of Official Statistics: How can official statistics use the lessons learned from private entities? Has official statistics failed to address the people’s need to address individual reality? Is there a growing distrust in official statistics? How can we address that?
Failing Forwards: Do you have a great story about a data collection that failed? Or a technical implementation that went all wrong? We want to hear about your greatest failures and learn from it!
Supporting Official Statistics: A sessions for the unsung heroes of official statistics, IT experts. Tell us about how you support the production of official statistics!
Open session: If you are unsure if your paper fits the On the Fly sub-theme but would like to submit to the theme, please do so and we fill figure it out.