OVerview of Programme
NSM2022 programme by day
Overview of Papers
Design and Build
Do you have identified users need? Did you have to respond to a new user need recently? How do you deal with non-response? What is the best way to collect data?
Process and Analyze
Is there a gold standard for data imputation? Did implementing machine learning in your process make your life easier? How do you maintain your data warehouse? How do you protect your data for disclosure? Did you use some new (or old) administrative data to validate your process?
How are you doing in supporting user’s statistical literacy? Do you partake in an active dialogue with users? How do you incorporate user feedback into your communication? Are you using infographics or interactive publications to communicate information on your society? What is your user demography? Has it changed?
On the Fly
What are the challenges facing official statistics in fast changing social contex? Here we take a critical view on official statistics while having a productive conversation on how to move forward and improve the field.