Getting Around


Airport to Reykjavík

Unfortunately there are no trains in Iceland. This means that the easiest and cheapest way to get from Keflavik Airport to Reykjavik is by bus. Check it out here.

And of course there is the more expensive option of the Taxi Service.

Or if you plan to drive around you can rent a car.


Buses in Reykjavík

Check out the Reykjavík City Bus - or Strætó website . When you take the bus it´s easiest to pay for your fare using the Strætó app.

Taxi in Reykjavik

Taxi drivers will be more than happy to drive you around at any hour in Reykjavik and ever further afield.

There are a number of Taxi services in Reykjavik. Check them out here.

And of course there is an app.


E-Scooter in Reykjavik

The newest and coolest transport option in Reykjavik is renting an electronic scooter to take you around the city.

You will find further information at the companies websites:

Hopp website, Wind website, Zolo website and OSS website.